Industrial Inauguration 2023

Gradel Proudly presents

Sustainable Lightweight Design and Manufacturing center

The Gradel Lightweight division of Gradel Group Sarl is a unique worldwide special machine manufacturer of Hyper lightweight parts using robotic filament additive manufacturing. where experts work together on increasing knowledge of materials, their application, product design, and processing technologies. Our main objective is to understand the complex problems in lightweight in different sectors and create parts and ultimately a production line for our customers. We focus on enabling the use of thermoset composite technology in large-volume applications and on promoting the widespread adoption of additive manufacturing in composites through fundamental development.

We started our journey three years ago with the decision to qualify the endless filament wet winding process technology xFK in 3D initiated for Space Industry. Funded by the Luxembourg Space Agency, supervised by ESA, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute for Science & Technology (LIST) and Thales Alenia Space and the associated partner’s Airbus Defence & Space and OHB Systems we have industrialized a first of its kind game-changing technology.

The outcome is the Gradel Robotic Additive Manufacturing (GRAM), an endless filament wet winding technology capable to combine all types of fibers (carbon mineral and renewable) with any resin matrix system. The materials are selected according to sustainable and circular economy criteria depending on each application.

The components to be manufactured are designed in a fully simulation-driven process with a bionic design “FORM FOLLOWS FORCE” and are produced on multiple-axis industrial robots by the means of GRAM.

This is our contribution to the actual global challenges for reducing the consumption of primary resources and energy to the max.

Come see and learn more about GRAM.

Date: May 4th

time: 5 to 11 Pm




16:30 to 17:30


17:30 to 17:40

Speaker: Marc Solvi, President of GRADEL Group

Message from Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg:

17:40 to 17:55

Speaker: Christian Tock,  Deputy Head of Directorate 

Message from the Commune of Kaerjeng:

17:55 to 18:05

Speaker: Michel Wolter, Mayor 

Our journey to industrialise GRAM:

18:05 to 18:25

Speaker: Dr. Ing. David Macieira, Head of Lightweight 

Sustainable Lightweight Pavilion, made for and with Montessori students in Penzberg, Germany:

18:25 to 18:40

Speaker: Carl Hessler Montessori school Penzberg, student 

Global solution for a fundamental problem that matters:

18:40 to 19:00

Speaker: Claude Maack, CEO of GRADEL 

Dinner and tour:

19:00 to 23:00